Bruchim Haba'im (Welcome) to Israel!!! This was what we were greeting with when we stepped off the plane very early morning in Tel Aviv and excited to be in the Holy Land. We were met by our Israeli staff with cheering, clapping and singing Heyvenu Shalom Aleichem. Everyone had smiles on their faces as we headed to Tel Aviv to enjoy breakfast near the beach, relax together and simply enjoy being all together. From there we went to the Tayelet in Jerusalem where we were able to see a panoramic view of one of the most beautiful cities in the world. We all sang Shehechiyanu, had a kiddush and spent the rest of the day learning some history, driving around the city and will celebrate Shabbat all together at Ma'aleh Ha'hamisha! Shabbat Shalom!
Group in front of Umschlagplatz in Warsaw
Jewish Museum of Polish Jews in Warsaw

Brothers having fun

Group together on site of Mila 18
Having breakfast together after arriving in Israel!!

Welcome to Israel!!
Smile Bus #1!